Dear Prayer Partners:
India, with its population of 1.4 billion people, is at a very critical stage. Less than 2% of its population is vaccinated despite the fact that India is a major hub for pharmaceutical companies and produces the COVID-19 vaccination. Still it is NOT able to save its own people.
This letter comes to you with an URGENT plea to help the helpless by supplying or buying an oxygen cylinder and oximeters for the cost of $650. People are dying now in India while waiting in long lines at the hospitals. Some are being denied admission and sent home or to other hospitals, some dying as a result. Hospitals are full. Hotels have been turned into hospitals to try to meet the challenge. The situation is beyond urgent. If you watch the world news, you can see how COVID-19 victims are being cremated 24 hours a day.
As Sam and I write this letter, several people that we personally know are in critical condition in the hospitals and other places. They are church members of congregations whose pastors have been supported by Asian International Ministries, Inc. for many years. After lengthy stays in the hospital, many are being told by the doctors that ventilators are not available and that their chances of survival are very slim.
We are requesting from you and/or your congregation $650 dollars to buy one oxygen cylinder and oximeters to help these COVID-19 victims. Would you prayerfully consider standing with us by making a contribution to Aim Inc., Ministries to help? You can give online by accessing the Aim Inc., website at or you can send a check to Asian Indian Ministries Inc., P.O. Box 1289, Norcross, 30091. Already some have helped:
- Dr. Gus Reyes of Texas Baptists sent $650 to buy an oxygen cylinder and oximeters
- South Garland Baptist church is giving $650 for the same use.
AIM Inc. supporters, please join in this effort.
Here are Sam’s testimonials:
“I am unwilling to take calls from India because so many are calling to report the death of another person.”
“Several of my best friends and others that I personally know and went to school with have been taken by Covid. It is heartbreaking to learn of their sudden demise.”
“I have photos, videos of my best friends that died by Covid-19. My heart goes out to their family members.”
Sam and I ask that you join us in this effort. Together we can make a substantial difference in the lives of our churches in India.
Dr. Rob Nash
President, Aim Inc. Board
Rev. Sam Bandela
Executive Director, AIM Inc.
AIM to provide Oxygen Cylinders to Individuals with Covid in India.
Asian Indian Ministries, Inc. is providing oxygen tanks for use by persons suffering from COVID-19 in the area of Telengana state in India. The idea came from Rev. Dr. Gus Reyes, Director of the Center for Cultural Engagement at the Baptist General Convention of Texas, who saw what was happening with the Covid pandemic in India and wanted to do something to help. He had the idea to provided oxygen tanks for people leaving the hospital and in need of oxygen at home. He sent $650 to South Garland Baptist Church so that they would forward the money to AIM. South Garland called Rev. Sam Bandela, Executive Director of AIM, Inc., to let him know about the check. They forwarded the money to AIM along with a $650 matching amount.
Rev. Bandela then contacted his friend, Sagar Reddy, who did some investigation and said that he could purchase the oxygen cylinders. Rev. Bandela authorized him to purchase 4 cylinders @ 500 and include some peripheral needs (oximeter, injections) @150 for a total of $650 per unit.
See attached letter from AIM Director to 100 individuals and churches.
To date, $9,685 has been received and pledged to this effort. This will buy 15 oxygen cylinders. Any individuals or churches who are seeking ways to immediately help with the challenges being faced by our friends in India may contribute to this need at or by sending a check to AIM at P. O Box 1289, Norcross, GA 30091.
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