Aagamma, for many years, was a well-known and influential Priestess in her caste, community, and surrounding villages. Men and women from far and near came to her house seeking answers. She practiced witchcraft or soothsaying. Regardless of age and status, all people sometimes waited for an entire day to get an appointment. Men and women from her caste and other castes believed Aagamma’s witchcraft. For over five decades, she was in this business and made a lot of money. Aagamma had a 5ft. goddess Laxmi in a special room from whom people believed that Aagamma was seeking solutions to their problems. This was her only family income to support three daughters and one son in their years growing up. Being backward caste, they have excellent government benefits under reservation quota, and all her children are benefited and use them. 

Aagamma fell sick for some time. The one who helped people in their sickness, problems and brought healing could not help herself. Her family tried different doctors, even witchcraft doctors like Aagamma, but they could not help her either. Aagamma was very sick. Her son took her to a medical doctor. After examination, the doctor told her son there was not much time left for her, and there was no need to admit her to the hospital. Take her home and prepare for her last days. She had just several days left. As the son took her home, Aagamma saw Bethel Fellowship Bible Church on the main road, NOT for the first time. She never had any interest, as she was practicing witchcraft. Aagamma asked her son to take her into the church as her last hope to get better. He refused to take her into the church, but dropped her in front of the church about 9.30 a.m. on Sunday. Rev. Philip, the local Pastor, was in the church getting ready for morning worship. He looked out and saw a woman trying to climb the steps to get into the church but could not climb the steps. Rev. Philip helped her to climb the steps and walked into the church, and settled her. She did not know what it was and what takes place in the church. But she had a strong faith, believed, and sat through two hours of worship. At the end of the service, Pastor gave an invitation for prayer. Aagamma walked, not knowing what that meant, and she requested Rev. Philip to pray for her sickness. THE REST IS HISTORY. The doctor told her that she had just a few days left, BUT AAGAMMA is STILL ALIVE AFTER 14 YEARS. Our God is still in the healing and restoring lives. She had requested several Pastors to remove the 5ft idol, Laxmi, from her house and trash it in a lake. For the last 14 years, Aagamma never missed the church, and in fact, she is the first person to be in the church, rain or shine.

Aagamma’s faith in Christ is solid as a rock. During the COVID-19 lockdown, she was very desperate to come to church. She does not know how to read or write, but she always carries her Bible. If someone asks her about her faith, she’ll give them the Bible and tell them to read John 14:6, John 3:16, and Romans 10:9. Aagamma not only believed and accepted Christ as her Savior, but she is also a soul winner and led a couple of people from her previous contact to Christ. Aagamma is a walking Gospel. During the lockdown for one year, she set aside Rs.50/- about 75 cents for each Sunday and brought one full year offering of Rs.50/- Wow! What a faith!! Last month she invited the entire church and other Pastors to her house for Thanksgiving worship and cooked food for all. Aagamma and her husband Gangaiah honored Pastors during that time. We need more Aagamma(s) in the church today. Her husband cannot walk, and he followed. Both are strong Christians and are now burdened for their children and request our prayers. Praise the Lord. Amen.

If you are wondering what your gifts, contributions and gifts are doing? Here is one of many stories of Salvation. Your dollars are bearing results. Thank you for your partnership and participation in Aim Inc., Ministries. I request prayer for Aagamma’s children Salvation. I love to hear from you as and when your time permits, please drop me a note. Thanks.